Stream Processing, Time-series database (TSDB) for Real-Time Stream Processing

Continuous data analysis for real-time intelligence integrated with the ongoing operations.

TSDB for Stream Processing

TSDB for Stream Processing

Real-time continuous data intelligence


Real-time continuous data intelligence

Rise of real time data pushes for real-time streaming and predictive processing for advanced and continuous operation intelligence

  • Continuous ingestion Time series data and event from anywhere, any device or files or systems for Real-time analytics
  • Sliding window (continuous) for limitless processing
  • Running aggregates and statistics Training, prediction on streaming data
  • Take actions in automated manner

Find patterns, anomalies

Find patterns, anomalies

Act in real-time with intelligence integrated with operations


Act in real-time with intelligence integrated with operations

Complex Event Processing – State based pattern detection over a period of time

User defined complex rules for continuous events detections for auto action

Setup triggers, alerts or action to kick-off another work-flow once the anomaly or pattern is detected

IOT, Business Ops, Log files, Clickstream, Fintech events System monitoring etc. are few examples where CEP is a must have feature,

Agent and plugins

Agent and plugins

Ingest data from anywhere, any source


Ingest data from anywhere, any source

The continuous collection and streaming of data are complex, hard and of utmost importance when it comes to analyzing the data, even more so when we deal with all sorts of data.

  • Agent is a powerful and lightweight service that ingests data into BangDB from remote machines or sources.
  • BangDB agents can be controlled remotely as well, like from Ampere or CLI or REST API etc.
  • Agent is also capable of ETL at certain level, enriching data before ingestion
  • Agent can monitor sources and read and send data upon trigger at user define frequency

Running Statistics and AI

Running Statistics and AI

High performance TSDB in the market


High performance TSDB in the market

Hyper fast query with continuous aggregations and running statistics

Joins, filter, refer, compute attributes, apply AI model, find patterns, project and many more – all in real time

SQL like language for querying, apply aggregates for filtering data

Train AI models on streaming data and predict in real-time for business intelligence

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