Graph Database with AI & Stream or building NextGen Apps.

Modern use case requires streaming data with Graph and AI for higher intelligence and high-performance query that leverages the connections and contexts

Complete Graph Stack

Complete Graph Stack

High performance, scalable and simple


High performance, scalable and simple

BangDB implements Graph database which is integrated with the other features of the DB such as stream processing and AI

  • Context of data is crucial today. We must preserve and use them for analysis and processing. Graph is the best structure to persist these nodes and relations
  • BangDB supports knowledge and property graphs along with ontology
  • BangDB uses a novel approach to index and store the links which is efficient and scalable for high performance graph processing

Cypher & English

Cypher & English

Cypher and plain English for querying graph data


Cypher and plain English for querying graph data

Cypher like query language for Graph query. It uses AI implicitly for various computations at run time. Ex; cluster, similarity

English language can also be used for querying, which is trained using OpenAI API

BangDB stores triple in a novel way where the connections between nodes are indexed in a unique manner for higher query performance

Graph Integrated with TSDB

Graph Integrated with TSDB

Auto graphs update when data is ingested in the streams


Auto graphs update when data is ingested in the streams

For IOT, Fintech, Fraud, Security, Infra Monitoring etc. related use cases, it's a huge advantage to auto-update the graph when data is ingested into the streams

It improves pattern recognition and identifications of interesting events due to the sheer natural relations that are available in the data

The context is easily defined and leveraged for further processing

NextGen APPs need Graph + AI

NextGen APPs need Graph + AI

The relation DB or Plain NoSQL is not enough


The relation DB or Plain NoSQL is not enough

Document database is not sufficient, we need Graph and Stream with AI

Huge performance benefits, up to 17X based on our experience with users

Huger cost reduction, it requires 3X less num of resources/infra on an average

Acceleration in implementing new features, and client's requests – faster time to market

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